Build Operate Transfer (BOT)


The BOT scheme refers to a contractual relationship in which a company hires a third-party IT service provider to both build and operate a project. 

After a set time frame, they legally transfer the subsidiary and all control over the project back to the client.

By hiring a reliable BOT Service provider, organizations can access a dedicated team of professional IT consultants to focus on developing their projects. 

As a result, the Build-Operate-Transfer model helps companies reduce the cost of hiring an in-house team, get their IT team to focus on other projects, and maintain quality.

Your Outsourced Team Augmentation Partner



In the first phase of the Build-Operate-Transfer model, both the company and outsourcing partner execute a profound analysis to identify project requirements. These include business targets, technical requests, and company culture. Once established, the BOT service provider will set up recruitment processes, equipment, and technologies needed to execute.


Operate Phase

In this phase, the third-party IT service provider manages all day-to-day project-related operations. A successful Build-Operate-Transfer scheme relies heavily on the outsourced company aligning itself with project needs and goals, as well as providing continuous progress updates.


Transfer Phase

During the final phase of the BOT Scheme, the operation is ready to be legally transferred, in its entirety, as a foreign subsidiary. By this time, the hiring company should be ready to take full control of the operation.

Partnering with NovaShore will give you access to a wide array of highly skilled software development professionals. Your outsourced team commits to project results and provide value to the organization.

Whether you need to hire your first engineer or an entire team for a specific project, NovaShore can help. Our Nearshore Team Augmentation Services will allow you to quickly grow your team and fill gaps. With IT Staff Augmentation, you can deliver on your Digital Transformation strategy or IT initiative.

Unleash the Power of the BOT Scheme

The Build-Transfer-Operate model is highly appealing for private entities looking to outsource their software development activities. BOT Services offer a wide range of benefits, including:

Maximizes cost efficiency

Allows for innovation and expertise

Greater control over operations

Allows for full control of intellectual property and proprietary technologies

Grants flexibility to leverage the business team according to market changes

Offers a high level of alignment between the outsourced team and corporate culture


Are you looking to establish a long-term IT and software development team?

NovaShore is an experienced Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) service provider.

We can help your company embark on a true digital journey to achieve significant change quickly and at scale.

Digital Transformation is becoming an imperative in every industry, and the BOT Scheme is suited for output-focused companies.

agile and seamless

talent acquisition

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